Let ABU Student’s leaders lead in 2019

Ahmadu Bello University has been a prestigious University and best training ground of patriotic leaders of tomorrow which is why if we use our sense of humour, we could presume, most of the best performing presidents and governors in Nigeria, are ABU graduate, and presently twenty one governors of this country and some  ministers, ABU, Zaria is their alma mater. Furthermore if my calculation will proceed then i can arrive with exquisite result that many ministries in Nigeria and some in abroad, are leaded accurately with immortal progress by ABU graduate.

But why ABU Student’s leaders suppose to lead in 2019? This is because:
1-in ABU, no any corrupt student will be mandated  to lead other students on the pace of terrific progress, starting from class rep to students’ union, and whoever is caught corrupt after his inception in office then he will surely face parliament and his charges will be posted on each notice board and forward to Deanery then  security personnel will take a serious action till justice is done and so does everyone who is caught looting students’ money will never graduate till he refunds it, and this disciplines student’s leaders and acquit them from being the leaders of tomorrow. This is the kind of justice which ordinary Nigerians need and is taught in ABU.

2-It is only in ABU, you will find different people from various part of this country and world with different religions and tribes, and all will be leaded by student’s leaders with humility and integrity. So if someone could lead these people and leave his office intact then he deserves to lead outside school for others to taste the dividend of skillful fearsome  leadership.

 3-ABU student’s leaders often attend various seminars on capacity building and this edifies them on how to lead inside and outside school, and this is one of the ingredients of leadership that many leaders lack.

 4-ABU Student’s leaders lead Nigeria inside ABU. Why have i said such? It is because every local government of Nigeria has at least two representatives studying various courses inside ABU, and every student’s leader must be friendly and tolerant with them, and fights to defend their interests to the best of his ability, for someone who can do this, really can sound beyond echo for ordinary Nigerians’ voice to be heard and taste the confectionery of true democracy tomorrow .

5-Because every student’s leader knows his duty and works best on the power bestowed on him. Nigeria needs every elect executive or parliament to perform his duty, and sticking on the duty of office, is taught in ABU and if all of our executives and parliaments can respect the vow of their offices like how it is done in ABU Student’s unions then candidly we shall never have any problem of leadership which is blindly created by tyrants.

6-Leading for the people’s interests not for greed is acquired from ABU unionism with the most fascinating and extreme advocating skills of leadership. So students with these kinds of leadership deserve to be the leaders of this and next generation.

I am proud to be an ABU students’ leader and every ABU Student is a leader either by election or by immense contribution for the progress of ABU and this nation, and he/she deserves a ticket of any office in 2019 not only to lead but to help and re-build Nigeria better than most. Remember Mandela and Ghandi both started being patriotic leaders from university’s struggle and no pen could erase the history which they left written in our hearts and in the heart of their countries’ men. Let’s support any ABUSITE even if we shall contest the same office from the same constituency and never try to blackmail our school mates with fallacies just for us to reach where will not be a heaven for us.

I am proud to be an ABU student and i wish every ABU Student to love his chums with heart to help and mind to lift him to another stage.

Comr. Bamalli
Golden Voice

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