2019 Gubernatorial Election: Tell Lagbaja And Tamedo To Secure The Posterities’ Future

By Ayobami Abdullahi ( El-Africa )

No seed fructifies, grows into joy without the planters tenacious labour of love. If such planter jettisoned his onus, then one should never be blamed if one lashes such planter with heart-piercing words for wasting the life of innocent nature.

May I never be blamed if I called it a blatant rape of integrity and dignity or a poverty of mind if my country’s Lagbaja and Tamedo on whose dutiful shoulders lie the fate of creating a paradise to live for the posterities of this nation are still ignoramus to the giant duties that trail behind them in dusk and dawn; they need to be chided for being unwise and impolitic for the power monger who placed atop their tables, a three square meal that transpired an excruciating pains and several years hungers that paved way for unbearable crime painting every facet of this innocent and ever green pasture land of ours for the sake of survival.

They need to be told that bunches of unbearable sorrow is crawling from within to romance the posterity or maybe their ignorantly and unconsciously attitude which is ironically piloting a way towards the downfall of this nation could be what might construct an earthly hell that the leaders of tomorrow could innocently wallow till apocalypse approaches. Lagbaja and Tamedo also need to be told that children of the so called politrick-cians wouldn’t be entitled to this earthly hell but an earthly paradise being built by their parents from the salty wealth which could be as a result of you and I being unwise.

When I was young, I was tutored and told about the importance of virtue, truism and humanity; my mind was toured to the patriotic deeds of yester-year heroes of this nation who upheld the truth and virtue at the expense of death and fought pertinaciously for the betterment of the posterity during the days of our colonial masters that raped our milky land and enslaved our progenitors; these godly heroes championed the clamour for freedom, independent, democracy, human rights and justice of which you and I directly or indirectly enjoy today. They need to be told that the dream for a better nation should top their priorities list, for history won’t escape to write about their tales. For, what should you and I be known for during our days on earth? Tell me, what would the posterities say about you when you have plunged to the journey of no return? Would you be addressed as a Pharaoh or a Messiah?

We need not to be incarcerated in the fantasy cooked by the power mongers who preach virtue but are cacodemonic in action. Lagbaja, be not stuck in their web by being baited with stipends that would baptise you to being a political thug which may result to you being enveloped in the den of earthly beast. For, they cannot errand their children in such deadly and deleterious work.

Tamedo must also hear this that the future of this country posterity must be secured and it mustn’t be traded for a modus of rice, cloth, bribes under the deceitful canopy of being kindhearted.

It is pertinent to become aware that we could be guilty once again for selling our rights to the worthy power fools to come in 2019. Tell me if my hypothesis is wrong for addressing he who is wealthy yet stand aloof while others in his society are romancing poverty; isn’t such acclaimed wealthy man is as poor as others? We could end up living in misery till end time if we are being deceived once again by the deceivers. As they are entitled to healthy and wealthy life, so do we have the same right to. Moremi and Yomade, please be told.

This nation married failure and majority of her people wallow in the pool where poverty kinged for being politically, socially, economically and educationally impolitic. Thus, when the rain of misery storms the land, it is cocksure that only the rich are lucky to escape being victim.

Here comes 2019, do not vote according to how much bribes that a party would placed in your pocket but how promising and intelligent the candidate is.

To every Lagbaja and Tamedo I write this for; who think there are needs to lamp the darkness test of time this nation wallows in.

May I make this clear that every Nigerian ladies are the Moremi while every man is the Yomade whose characters are painted figuratively in the work. The current prospects of every Lagbaja and Tamedo are the determinants of how brighter the future of this nation is. Thus, the charged for a better nation begins with me and you. I am ready to make Nigeria a paradise suitable to live and setting forth a tranquil environment for the posterity. Are you also ready? If yes, you need to wear the garment of patriotism, honesty, sincerity, humanity, peace and virtue.

Arise Lagbaja and Tamedo!

Ayobami Abdullahi I. Is an undergraduate of Mass Communication in the faster growing polytechnic (Federal Polytechnic Offa). He can be reach on the following mail address.

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